diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3b59162aa963268ce274afab8ec29166e517fe30..4f68195edc20e56865d6e7b8cdcc76facce9c8fb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,19 +2,26 @@
 [_REQ_](https://research.pasteur.fr/fr/tool/r%CE%B5q-assessing-branch-supports-o%C6%92-a-distance-based-phylogenetic-tree-with-the-rate-o%C6%92-elementary-quartets/) is a command line program written in [Java](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/language/index.html) that estimates the rate of elementary quartets (REQ) for each internal branch of an unrooted binary phylogenetic tree from a distance matrix, as described by [Guénoche and Garreta (2001)](https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45727-5_5).
+## Installation
+Clone this repository using the following command line:
+git clone https://gitlab.pasteur.fr/GIPhy/REQ.git
 ## Compilation and execution
-The source code of _REQ_ is inside the _src_ directory and can be compiled and executed in two different ways. 
+The source code of _REQ_ is inside the _src_ directory and can be compiled and executed in two different ways.
 #### Building an executable jar file
-On computers with [Oracle JDK](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) (6 or higher) installed, a Java executable jar file can be created. 
-In a command-line window, go to the _src_ directory and type:
+On computers with [Oracle JDK](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) (6 or higher) installed, a Java executable jar file can be created by typing the following command lines inside the _src/_ directory:
-javac REQ.java 
-echo Main-Class: REQ > MANIFEST.MF 
-jar -cmvf MANIFEST.MF REQ.jar REQ.class 
-rm MANIFEST.MF REQ.class 
+javac REQ.java
+echo Main-Class: REQ > MANIFEST.MF
+jar -cmvf MANIFEST.MF REQ.jar REQ.class
 This will create the executable jar file `REQ.jar` that can be run with the following command line model:
@@ -23,12 +30,12 @@ java -jar REQ.jar [files]
 #### Building a native executable
-On computers with [GraalVM](hhttps://www.graalvm.org/downloads/) installed, a native executable can also be built. 
+On computers with [GraalVM](hhttps://www.graalvm.org/downloads/) installed, a native executable can be built.
 In a command-line window, go to the _src_ directory, and type:
-javac REQ.java 
+javac REQ.java
 native-image REQ REQ
-rm REQ.class
+rm -f REQ.build_artifacts.txt REQ.class
 This will create the native executable `REQ` that can be launched with the following command line model:
diff --git a/src/REQ.java b/src/REQ.java
index 4f85213796ddbe4d064dfea17fbd4e236391a2f2..1c3f577aed10ab9b490dacd69842b152a25b6879 100644
--- a/src/REQ.java
+++ b/src/REQ.java
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   REQ: assessing branch supports of a distance-based phylogenetic tree with rates of elementary quartets
-  Copyright (C) 2017,2018,2019,2020  Institut Pasteur
+  Copyright (C) 2017-2024  Institut Pasteur
   This program  is free software:  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it  under the terms  of the GNU
   General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
@@ -19,15 +19,32 @@
    Alexis Criscuolo                                                            alexis.criscuolo@pasteur.fr
    Genome Informatics & Phylogenetics (GIPhy)                                             giphy.pasteur.fr
-   Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub                                 research.pasteur.fr/team/hub-giphy
-   USR 3756 IP CNRS                          research.pasteur.fr/team/bioinformatics-and-biostatistics-hub
-   Dpt. Biologie Computationnelle                     research.pasteur.fr/department/computational-biology
+   Centre de Ressources Biologiques de l'Institut Pasteur (CRBIP)             research.pasteur.fr/en/b/VTq
    Institut Pasteur, Paris, FRANCE                                                     research.pasteur.fr
+           4888888883                                                                                  
+        48800007   4003 1                                                                              
+     4880000007   400001 83        101  100    01   4000009  888888888 101 888888888 08    80 888888888
+    4000000008    8000001 83       181  10101  01  601     1    181    181    181    08    80    181   
+   40000000008    8000001 803      181  10 101 01    60003      181    181    181    08    80    181   
+  100888880008    800007 60003     181  10  10101  4     109    181    181    181    68    87    181   
+  81     68888    80887 600008     101  10    001   0000007     101    101    101     600009     101   
+  808883     1    887  6000008                                                                         
+  8000000003         480000008                                                                         
+  600000000083    888000000007     10000000     40      4000009  888888888 10000000  08    80  1000000 
+   60000000008    80000000007      180    39   4000    601     1    181    10        08    80  10    39
+    6000000008    8000000007       18000007   47  00     60003      181    1000000   08    80  1000007 
+     680000008    800000087        180       40000000  4     109    181    10        68    87  10   06 
+       6888008    8000887          100      47      00  0000007     101    10000000   600009   10    00
+           688    8887                                                                                 
+  ### v2.1 (240328ac)
+   + fixed bug when a leaf is not present in the distance matrix
+   + no change in the quite obfuscated code style
   ### v2.0.200528ac
    + verify that the input tree is unrooted and fully binary 
    + faster running times by minimizing String conversion
@@ -41,7 +58,7 @@ import java.text.*;
 public class REQ {
     // constants
-    final static String VERSION = "v2.0.200528ac";
+    final static String VERSION = "v2.1 (240328ac)";
     final static int MAX = 32760;
     final static int INF = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@@ -75,7 +92,10 @@ public class REQ {
 	//### man ############################################################################################################################################################################
 	if ( args.length < 3 ) {
-	    System.out.println(" REQ " + VERSION);
+	    System.out.println(" REQ " + VERSION + "           Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Institut Pasteur");
+	    System.out.println("");
+	    System.out.println(" >-< https://research.pasteur.fr/fr/b/_LV");
+	    System.out.println(" >-< https://gitlab.pasteur.fr/GIPhy/REQ");
 	    System.out.println(" USAGE:  REQ  <dfile>  <tfile>  <outfile>  [-v]");
@@ -124,12 +144,12 @@ public class REQ {
 	while ( --u >= 0 ) 
 	    switch ( tr.charAt(u) ) {
 	    case '(':
-		if ( tr.charAt(++u) != '(' ) { tr = tr.replace(u, v, String.valueOf(j=lbl.indexOf(tr.substring(u, v))));
-		    if ( j != -1 ) tip[--i] = (short) j; else { System.err.println(tr.substring(u, v) + " is not inside distance matrix");                            System.exit(1); } }
+		if ( tr.charAt(++u) != '(' ) { tr = tr.replace(u, v, String.valueOf(j=lbl.indexOf(line=tr.substring(u, v))));
+		    if ( j != -1 ) tip[--i] = (short) j; else { System.err.println(line + " does not belong to the distance matrix labels");                          System.exit(1); } }
 		--u;              break;
 	    case ',':
-		if ( tr.charAt(++u) != '(' ) { tr = tr.replace(u, v, String.valueOf(j=lbl.indexOf(tr.substring(u, v))));
-		    if ( j != -1 ) tip[--i] = (short) j; else { System.err.println(tr.substring(u, v) + " is not inside distance matrix");                            System.exit(1); } }
+		if ( tr.charAt(++u) != '(' ) { tr = tr.replace(u, v, String.valueOf(j=lbl.indexOf(line=tr.substring(u, v))));
+		    if ( j != -1 ) tip[--i] = (short) j; else { System.err.println(line + " does not belong to the distance matrix labels");                          System.exit(1); } }
 		v = --u;          break; 
 	    case ')': ++d; v = u; break;
@@ -143,8 +163,8 @@ public class REQ {
 	//#                                                           sup    last
 	tr = tr.insert(0, '('); sup = apc(tr, tr.lastIndexOf(")")); tr = tr.insert(sup, ')'); //# NOTE: closing parenthesis at index 'sup' should not be considered for REQ calculations
 	last = tr.lastIndexOf(")");
-	//# NOTE: totip[x] = id in tip[] of the taxon at or right after position x in tr  //#     tr = "( ( 1 , 3 ) , ( 0 , 2 ) ) ;"   tip = [1,3,0,2]
-	totip = new short[x=tr.length()];                                                 //#  totip = [0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,4]
+	//# NOTE: totip[x] = id in tip[] of the taxon right after position x in tr  //#     tr = "( ( 1 , 3 ) , ( 0 , 2 ) ) ;"   tip = [1,3,0,2]
+	totip = new short[x=tr.length()];                                           //#  totip = [0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,4]
 	s = (short) n; while ( --x >= 0 ) { switch ( tr.charAt(x) ) { case '(': case ',': if ( tr.charAt(++x) != '(' ) totip[x] = --s; --x; break; } totip[x] = s; }
 	are = new ArrayList<Double>(n); std = new BitSet(n); u = 0;