diff --git a/ippisite/ippidb/static/js/targetcentric.js b/ippisite/ippidb/static/js/targetcentric.js
index d7ad35057703e0cf64feff51fd1d8d09496b6a97..25a804e8d5ca7af41332b92fa80ff81e7be2676a 100644
--- a/ippisite/ippidb/static/js/targetcentric.js
+++ b/ippisite/ippidb/static/js/targetcentric.js
@@ -412,43 +412,46 @@ function loadNGL(url, callback) {
                         scaleFactor: 2.0,
                         cutoff: 0.02,
-                    var selection_critical = ":" + chain.pdb_chain_id + " and ( "
-                    var selection_warm = ":" + chain.pdb_chain_id + " and ( "
-                    chain.hotspot_set.forEach(function (residue) {
-                        if (residue.type == "critical") {
-                            selection_critical += residue.residu_number + ", ";
-                        } else {
-                            selection_warm += residue.residu_number + ", ";
-                        };
+                    if (chain.hotspot_set.length != 0) {
+                        var selection_critical = ":" + chain.pdb_chain_id + " and ( "
+                        var selection_warm = ":" + chain.pdb_chain_id + " and ( "
+                        chain.hotspot_set.forEach(function (residue) {
+                            if (residue.type == "critical") {
+                                selection_critical += residue.residu_number + ", ";
+                            } else {
+                                selection_warm += residue.residu_number + ", ";
+                            };
-                    });
-                    selection_critical = selection_critical.slice(0, - 2);
-                    selection_critical = selection_critical + " )";
-                    selection_warm = selection_warm.slice(0, - 2);
-                    selection_warm = selection_warm + " )";
-                    var colorhotspotwarm = "#ffbd92";
-                    if (indexchain === 0) {
-                        colorhotspotwarm = "#00b6e8"
-                    }
+                        });
+                        selection_critical = selection_critical.slice(0, - 2);
+                        selection_critical = selection_critical + " )";
+                        selection_warm = selection_warm.slice(0, - 2);
+                        selection_warm = selection_warm + " )";
-                    var colorhotspotcritical = "#ffd700";
-                    if (indexchain === 0) {
-                        colorhotspotcritical = "#00b394"
-                    }
-                    o.addRepresentation("ball+stick", {
-                        name: componentname + "critical",
-                        sele: selection_critical,
-                        color: colorhotspotcritical,
-                        visible: false,
-                    });
-                    o.addRepresentation("ball+stick", {
-                        name: componentname + "warm",
-                        sele: selection_warm,
-                        color: colorhotspotwarm,
-                        visible: false,
-                    });
+                        var colorhotspotwarm = "#ffbd92";
+                        if (indexchain === 0) {
+                            colorhotspotwarm = "#00b6e8"
+                        }
+                        var colorhotspotcritical = "#ffd700";
+                        if (indexchain === 0) {
+                            colorhotspotcritical = "#00b394"
+                        }
+                        o.addRepresentation("ball+stick", {
+                            name: componentname + "critical",
+                            sele: selection_critical,
+                            color: colorhotspotcritical,
+                            visible: false,
+                        });
+                        o.addRepresentation("ball+stick", {
+                            name: componentname + "warm",
+                            sele: selection_warm,
+                            color: colorhotspotwarm,
+                            visible: false,
+                        });
+                    }
@@ -602,29 +605,30 @@ function loadNGL(url, callback) {
                 }, { float: "right", margin: "3px" }, "align-middle");
-                var reprHotSpotButtonCritical = createElement("input", {
-                    type: "checkbox",
-                    checked: false,
-                    onchange: function (e) {
-                        stage.getRepresentationsByName(componentname + "critical").list.forEach(function (rep) {
-                            if (rep.parent.name === componentname) {
-                                rep.setVisibility(e.target.checked);
-                            };
-                        });
-                    }
-                }, { float: "right", margin: "3px" }, "align-middle");
-                var reprHotSpotButtonWarm = createElement("input", {
-                    type: "checkbox",
-                    checked: false,
-                    onchange: function (e) {
-                        stage.getRepresentationsByName(componentname + "warm").list.forEach(function (rep) {
-                            if (rep.parent.name === componentname) {
-                                rep.setVisibility(e.target.checked);
-                            };
-                        });
-                    }
-                }, { float: "right", margin: "3px" }, "align-middle");
+                if (chain.hotspot_set.length != 0) {
+                    var reprHotSpotButtonCritical = createElement("input", {
+                        type: "checkbox",
+                        checked: false,
+                        onchange: function (e) {
+                            stage.getRepresentationsByName(componentname + "critical").list.forEach(function (rep) {
+                                if (rep.parent.name === componentname) {
+                                    rep.setVisibility(e.target.checked);
+                                };
+                            });
+                        }
+                    }, { float: "right", margin: "3px" }, "align-middle");
+                    var reprHotSpotButtonWarm = createElement("input", {
+                        type: "checkbox",
+                        checked: false,
+                        onchange: function (e) {
+                            stage.getRepresentationsByName(componentname + "warm").list.forEach(function (rep) {
+                                if (rep.parent.name === componentname) {
+                                    rep.setVisibility(e.target.checked);
+                                };
+                            });
+                        }
+                    }, { float: "right", margin: "3px" }, "align-middle");
+                }
                 var divdropdown = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown");
                 var buttondorpdown = createElement("button", {
@@ -638,14 +642,15 @@ function loadNGL(url, callback) {
                 buttondorpdown.append("chain ".concat(chain.pdb_chain_id))
-                var spanhotspotcritical = createElement("label", {}, { display: "inline-block" }, "dropdown-item");
-                spanhotspotcritical.innerHTML = "critical ";
-                spanhotspotcritical.appendChild(reprHotSpotButtonCritical);
-                var spanhotspotwarm = createElement("label", {}, { display: "inline-block" }, "dropdown-item");
-                spanhotspotwarm.innerHTML = "warm ";
-                spanhotspotwarm.appendChild(reprHotSpotButtonWarm);
+                if (chain.hotspot_set.length != 0) {
+                    var spanhotspotcritical = createElement("label", {}, { display: "inline-block" }, "dropdown-item");
+                    spanhotspotcritical.innerHTML = "critical ";
+                    spanhotspotcritical.appendChild(reprHotSpotButtonCritical);
+                    var spanhotspotwarm = createElement("label", {}, { display: "inline-block" }, "dropdown-item");
+                    spanhotspotwarm.innerHTML = "warm ";
+                    spanhotspotwarm.appendChild(reprHotSpotButtonWarm);
+                }
                 var chainreprButton = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown-menu", { 'aria-labelledby': componentname });
                 var divheader = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown-header");
                 divheader.innerHTML = "Representations"
@@ -666,13 +671,15 @@ function loadNGL(url, callback) {
-                var divdividerhotspot = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown-divider");
-                chainreprButton.appendChild(divdividerhotspot);
-                var divheaderhotspot = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown-header");
-                divheaderhotspot.innerHTML = "Hotspots"
-                chainreprButton.appendChild(divheaderhotspot);
-                chainreprButton.appendChild(spanhotspotwarm);
-                chainreprButton.appendChild(spanhotspotcritical);
+                if (chain.hotspot_set.length != 0) {
+                    var divdividerhotspot = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown-divider");
+                    chainreprButton.appendChild(divdividerhotspot);
+                    var divheaderhotspot = createElement("div", {}, {}, "dropdown-header");
+                    divheaderhotspot.innerHTML = "Hotspots"
+                    chainreprButton.appendChild(divheaderhotspot);
+                    chainreprButton.appendChild(spanhotspotwarm);
+                    chainreprButton.appendChild(spanhotspotcritical);
+                }