diff --git a/pyScripts/get_pdb_structure.py b/pyScripts/get_pdb_structure.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d5dd27838698a9550b60550d5b1d87dab7252d36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/get_pdb_structure.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: March 2018
-Version: 1
-Usage: [Script.py] [pdb_id]
-	[file]: list of PDB IDs (txt format)
-	[file]: PDB files, stored in 'PDB' folder
-# =============================================================================
-import os
-import argparse
-import logging
-import csv
-import Bio
-from Bio.PDB import PDBList
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-def main(pdb_id):
-	get_pdb_file(get_pdbID(pdb_id))
-	rename_pdb_file()
-def get_pdbID(txtfile):
-	pdb_id = []
-	with open(txtfile, 'rb') as pdb_txtfile:
-		for line in csv.reader(pdb_txtfile):	
-			pdb_id.append(line[0].upper())
-	return pdb_id		
-def get_pdb_file(pdbID):
-	for i in pdbID:
-		PDBList().retrieve_pdb_file(i, pdir = FOLDER, file_format = 'pdb')
-def rename_pdb_file():
-	working_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-	pdb_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(working_dir, FOLDER))	
-	os.chdir(pdb_dir)
-	for filename in os.listdir(pdb_dir):
-		os.rename(filename, filename.replace('pdb', '').replace('ent', 'pdb'))
-def setlogger():
-    LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    LOG.addHandler(ch)
-# =============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 
-    parser.add_argument('pdb_id', help = 'Input [.txt file]: PDB IDs')
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    setlogger()
-    main(options.pdb_id)
diff --git a/pyScripts/get_ppc_V2.py b/pyScripts/get_ppc_V2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d801b9c9a1e30ed70137e206681968e4bca6a66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/get_ppc_V2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: March 2018
-Version: 2
-Usage: [Script.py] [PDBe]
-	[PDBe]:
-    Input (json format)
-    PDBe (with [assembly_composition] and [assembly_type] information included)
-	[list(PPC)]:
-    Output (txt format)
-    Protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-	[json(PPC)]:
-	Output (json format)
-	Protein/protein complex information
-PDBs with unique and repeated assembly composition annotation are both included!
-[unique annotation: 'protein/protein complex']
-[repeated annotation: 'protein/protein complex, protein/protein complex']
-# =============================================================================
-import os
-import sys
-import argparse
-import logging
-import json
-# =============================================================================
-LOG = logging.getLogger('Get PPC PDB IDs from PDBe')
-XRAY = ['X-ray diffraction', 'X-ray powder diffraction']
-DIFFR = 0.05
-# =============================================================================
-def main(pdbe):
-	with open(pdbe) as infile:
-		structure = json.load(infile)
-		dimer = get_dimer(get_ppc(structure))
-		dimer_filt = filter_rfactor(filter_resolution(filter_annotation(dimer)))
-		to_json(dimer_filt, FILENAME)
-		to_txt(get_id(dimer_filt), FILENAME)
-	if os.path.exists('{}.txt'.format(FILENAME)):
-		LOG.info('Finished!')
-	else:
-		LOG.error('Warning! [Output] Not found!')
-		sys.exit(1)
-def get_ppc(pdbe):
-	ppc_unique = []
-	ppc_repeated = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if 'assembly_composition' in pdbe[i].keys():
-			assembly_composition = pdbe[i]['assembly_composition']
-			if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and \
-			assembly_composition == ['protein/protein complex']:
-				ppc_unique.append(pdbe[i])
-			elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-				if assembly_composition.count('protein/protein complex') >= 1 and \
-				assembly_composition.count(
-				assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-					ppc_repeated.append(pdbe[i])
-	ppc_all = ppc_unique + ppc_repeated
-	return ppc_all
-def get_dimer(pdbe):
-	dimer_unique = []
-	dimer_repeated = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if 'assembly_type' in pdbe[i].keys():
-			assembly_type = pdbe[i]['assembly_type']
-			if len(assembly_type) == 1 and \
-			assembly_type == ['dimer']:
-				dimer_unique.append(pdbe[i])
-			elif len(assembly_type) > 1:
-				if assembly_type.count('dimer') >= 1 and \
-				assembly_type.count(assembly_type[0]) == len(assembly_type):
-					dimer_repeated.append(pdbe[i])
-	dimer_all = dimer_unique + dimer_repeated
-	return dimer_all
-def filter_annotation(pdbe):
-	annotation = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if len(pdbe[i]['experimental_method']) == 1:
-			annotation.append(pdbe[i])
-	return annotation
-def filter_resolution(pdbe):
-	quality = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if len([e for e in pdbe[i]['experimental_method'] if e in XRAY]) == 1:
-			if 'resolution' in pdbe[i].keys() and \
-			float(pdbe[i]['resolution']) <= RESOLUTION:
-				quality.append(pdbe[i])
-	return quality
-def filter_rfactor(pdbe):
-	quality = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if len([e for e in pdbe[i]['experimental_method'] if e in XRAY]) == 1:
-			if 'r_free' in pdbe[i].keys() and 'r_factor' in pdbe[i].keys():
-				if float(pdbe[i]['r_free'] - pdbe[i]['r_factor']) <= abs(DIFFR):
-					quality.append(pdbe[i])
-	return quality
-def get_id(pdbe):
-	pdb_id = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		pdb_id.append(pdbe[i]['pdb_id'])
-	return pdb_id
-def to_json(data, outfile):
-	with open('{}.json'.format(outfile), 'wb') as jsonfile:
-		json.dump(data, jsonfile)
-def to_txt(data, outfile):
-	with open('{}.txt'.format(outfile), 'wb') as txtfile:
-		for pdb_id in data:
-			txtfile.write(pdb_id + '\n')
-def setlogger():
-	LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-	ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-	ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-	formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - \
-	%(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-	ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-	LOG.addHandler(ch)
-# =============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Get protein/protein \
-	complex PDB IDs from PDBe')
-	parser.add_argument('pdbe', help = 'Input [.json file]: \
-	PBDe (with assembly and structure quality information included')
-	options = parser.parse_args()
-	setlogger()
-	main(options.pdbe)
diff --git a/pyScripts/get_ppc_id_from_pdbe.py b/pyScripts/get_ppc_id_from_pdbe.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e41157a8c94a05634d5bcdfaea385670bb4a5abc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/get_ppc_id_from_pdbe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: February 2018
-Version: 1
-Usage: [Script.py] [PDBe]
-	[PDBe]:
-    Input (json format)
-    PDBe (with assembly information included)
-	[list(PPC)]:
-    Output (txt format)
-    Protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-	[json(PPC)]:
-	Output (json format)
-	Protein/protein complex information
-PDBs with unique and repeated assembly composition annotation are both included!
-[unique annotation: 'protein/protein complex']
-[repeated annotation: 'protein/protein complex, protein/protein complex']
-# =============================================================================
-import argparse
-import logging
-import json
-import pandas as pd
-# =============================================================================
-LOG = logging.getLogger('Get protein/protein complex PDB IDs from PDBe')
-# =============================================================================
-def setlogger():
-    LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    LOG.addHandler(ch)
-def main(pdbe):
-	structure = pd.read_json(pdbe, orient = 'columns')
-	ppc_to_txt(get_ppc_id(structure))
-	ppc_to_json(get_ppc_data(structure))
-def get_ppc_id(pdbe):
-	ppc_unique = []
-	ppc_repeated = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'])):
-		assembly_composition = pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['assembly_composition']
-		if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and assembly_composition == ['protein/protein complex']:
-			ppc_unique.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['pdb_id'])
-		elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-			if assembly_composition.count('protein/protein complex') >= 1 and \
-			assembly_composition.count(assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-				ppc_repeated.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['pdb_id'])
-	ppc_all = ppc_unique + ppc_repeated
-	return ppc_all
-def get_ppc_data(pdbe):
-	ppc_unique_data = []
-	ppc_repeated_data = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'])):
-		assembly_composition = pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['assembly_composition']
-		if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and assembly_composition == ['protein/protein complex']:
-			ppc_unique_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-		elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-			if assembly_composition.count('protein/protein complex') >= 1 and \
-			assembly_composition.count(assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-				ppc_repeated_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-	ppc_all_data = ppc_unique_data + ppc_repeated_data
-	return ppc_all_data
-def ppc_to_txt(ppc):
-	with open('PPC_2-20-18PDBe.txt', 'wb') as txtfile:
-		for pdb_id in ppc:
-			txtfile.write(pdb_id + '\n')
-def ppc_to_json(ppc):
-	with open('PPC_2-20-18PDBe.json', 'wb') as jsonfile:
-		json.dump(ppc, jsonfile)
-# ==============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 
-					'Get protein/protein complex PDB IDs from PDBe')
-    parser.add_argument('pdbe', help = 'Input [.json file]: \
-					PBDe (with assembly information included')
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    setlogger()
-    main(options.pdbe)
diff --git a/pyScripts/get_ppc_ligand_V2.py b/pyScripts/get_ppc_ligand_V2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1f1576c33a4f3be066d1a2326152198654130b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/get_ppc_ligand_V2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: March 2018
-Version: 3
-IDENTIFY PROTEIN STRUCTURE WITH COMPOUNDS (with or without including ions)
-Usage: [Script.py] [PDBe] [IONS]
-	[PDBe]:
-	Input (json format)
-	PDBe (with [assembly_composition], [compound_id] and [uniprot_id] included)
-	[IONS]:
-	Input (txt format)
-	Compounds considered as ions 
-	[list(protein)]:
-	Output (txt format)
-	Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-	[json(protein)]:
-	Output (json format)
-	Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex dataset
-	Compounds:
-	---------
-    [list(protein)]:
-    Output (txt format)
-    Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-    [json(protein)]:
-    Output (json format)        
-    Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex dataset
-	Compounds:
-	---------
-	** EXAMPLE: [u'FE : FE (III) ION']
-PDBs with unique and repeated assembly composition annotation are both included!
-[unique annotation: 'protein/protein complex']
-[repeated annotation: 'protein/protein complex, protein/protein complex']
-# =============================================================================
-import os
-import sys
-import argparse
-import logging
-import json
-# =============================================================================
-LOG = logging.getLogger('Get PPC PDB IDs with ligand')
-FILENAME_with_ions = 'PPC-PROT-COMPOUNDS_3-26-18PDBe'
-FILENAME_without_ions = 'PPC-PROT-COMPOUNDS_noIONS_3-26-18PDBe'
-XRAY = ['X-ray diffraction', 'X-ray powder diffraction']
-DIFFR = 0.05
-# =============================================================================
-def main(pdbe, ion):
-	with open(pdbe) as infile:
-		structure = json.load(infile)
-		# Get protein/protein complex (PPC)
-		ppc = filter_rfactor(filter_resolution(filter_annotation(
-		get_ppc(structure))))
-		to_txt(get_id(ppc), 'PPC_3-26-18PDBe')
-		# Get protein structure with [compounds]
-		prot_compound = filter_rfactor(filter_resolution(filter_annotation(
-		get_with_compound(get_prot(structure)))))
-	# Collect PPC UniProt
-	ppc_uniprot = get_uniprot(ppc)
-	# Get PPC-associated proteins with compounds
-	ppc_ligand = get_prot_compound_ppc(prot_compound, ppc_uniprot)
-	to_json(ppc_ligand, FILENAME_with_ions)
-	to_txt(get_id(ppc_ligand), FILENAME_with_ions)
-	# Get PPC-associated proteins with compounds (ions only not included)
-	ions = []
-	with open(ion, 'r') as ion_file:
-		for i in ion_file:
-			ions.append(i.strip().upper())
-	prot_compound_without_ions = get_without_ions(prot_compound, ions)
-	ppc_ligand_without_ions = get_prot_compound_ppc(prot_compound_without_ions, ppc_uniprot)
-	to_json(ppc_ligand_without_ions, FILENAME_without_ions)
-	to_txt(get_id(ppc_ligand_without_ions), FILENAME_without_ions)
-	if os.path.exists('{}.txt'.format(FILENAME_with_ions)) and \
-	os.path.exists('{}.txt'.format(FILENAME_without_ions)):
-		LOG.info('Finished!')
-	else:
-		LOG.error('Warning! [Outputs] Not found!')
-		sys.exit(1)
-def get_ppc(pdbe):
-	ppc_unique = []
-	ppc_repeated = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if 'assembly_composition' in pdbe[i].keys():
-			assembly_composition = pdbe[i]['assembly_composition']
-			if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and \
-			assembly_composition == ['protein/protein complex']:
-				ppc_unique.append(pdbe[i])
-			elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-				if assembly_composition.count('protein/protein complex') >= 1 and \
-				assembly_composition.count(
-				assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-					ppc_repeated.append(pdbe[i])
-	ppc_all = ppc_unique + ppc_repeated
-	return ppc_all
-def get_prot(pdbe):
-	prot_unique = []
-	prot_repeated = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if 'assembly_composition' in pdbe[i].keys():
-			assembly_composition = pdbe[i]['assembly_composition']
-			if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and \
-			assembly_composition == ['protein structure']:
-				prot_unique.append(pdbe[i])
-			elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-				if assembly_composition.count('protein structure') >= 1 and \
-				assembly_composition.count(
-				assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-					prot_repeated.append(pdbe[i])
-	prot_all = prot_unique + prot_repeated
-	return prot_all
-def filter_annotation(pdbe):
-	annotation = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if len(pdbe[i]['experimental_method']) == 1:
-			annotation.append(pdbe[i])
-	return annotation
-def filter_resolution(pdbe):
-	quality = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if len([e for e in pdbe[i]['experimental_method'] if e in XRAY]) == 1:
-			if 'resolution' in pdbe[i].keys() and \
-			float(pdbe[i]['resolution']) <= RESOLUTION:
-				quality.append(pdbe[i])
-	return quality
-def filter_rfactor(pdbe):
-	quality = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if len([e for e in pdbe[i]['experimental_method'] if e in XRAY]) == 1:
-			if 'r_free' in pdbe[i].keys() and 'r_factor' in pdbe[i].keys():
-				if float(pdbe[i]['r_free'] - pdbe[i]['r_factor']) <= abs(DIFFR):
-					quality.append(pdbe[i])
-	return quality
-def get_with_compound(pdbe):
-	compound = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if 'compound_id' in pdbe[i].keys():
-			compound.append(pdbe[i])
-	return compound
-def get_uniprot(pdbe):
-	uniprot = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		if 'uniprot_id' in pdbe[i].keys():
-			uniprot.extend(pdbe[i]['uniprot_id'])
-	return uniprot
-def get_prot_compound_ppc(protein, uniprot):
-	prot_compound_ppc = []
-	for i in xrange(len(protein)):
-		if 'uniprot_id' in protein[i].keys():
-			if len([e for e in protein[i]['uniprot_id'] if e in uniprot]) >= 1:
-				prot_compound_ppc.append(protein[i])
-	return prot_compound_ppc
-def get_without_ions(protein, ions):
-	without_ions = []
-	with_ions_not_only = []
-	for i in xrange(len(protein)):
-		if 'compound_id' in protein[i].keys():
-			if len([e for e in protein[i]['compound_id'] if e in ions]) == 0:
-				without_ions.append(protein[i])
-			elif len([e for e in protein[i]['compound_id'] if e in ions]) >= 1:
-				if len([e for e in protein[i]['compound_id'] if e in ions]) \
-				!= len(protein[i]['compound_id']):
-					with_ions_not_only.append(protein[i])
-	print len(without_ions), len(with_ions_not_only)
-	compound_ions = without_ions + with_ions_not_only
-	return compound_ions
-def get_id(pdbe):
-	pdb_id = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe)):
-		pdb_id.append(pdbe[i]['pdb_id'])
-	return pdb_id
-def to_json(data, outfile):
-	with open('{}.json'.format(outfile), 'wb') as jsonfile:
-		json.dump(data, jsonfile)
-def to_txt(data, outfile):
-	with open('{}.txt'.format(outfile), 'wb') as txtfile:
-		for pdb_id in data:
-			txtfile.write(pdb_id + '\n')
-def setlogger():
-	LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-	ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-	ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-	formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - \
-	%(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-	ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-	LOG.addHandler(ch)
-# =============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Get protein/protein \
-	complex PDB IDs from PDBe')
-	parser.add_argument('pdbe', help = 'Input [.json file]: \
-	PBDe (with assembly and structure quality information included')
-	parser.add_argument('ion', help = 'Input [.txt file]: Compounds considered \
-	as ions')
-	options = parser.parse_args()
-	setlogger()
-	main(options.pdbe, options.ion)
diff --git a/pyScripts/get_ppc_ligand_compound_from_pdbe.py b/pyScripts/get_ppc_ligand_compound_from_pdbe.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a91caa2d8a00c3559d5e14213294b8308dff1b43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/get_ppc_ligand_compound_from_pdbe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: February 2018
-Version: 2
-Usage: [Script.py] [PDBe]
-	[PDBe]:
-    Input (json format)
-    PDBe (with assembly information included)
-	[list(ligands)]:
-    Output (txt format)
-    Interacting ligands of protein/protein complexes
-	[list(compounds)]:
-    Output (txt format)	
-    Compounds of protein/protein complexes
-PDBs with unique and repeated assembly composition annotation are both included!
-[unique annotation: 'protein/protein complex']
-[repeated annotation: 'protein/protein complex, protein/protein complex']
-# =============================================================================
-import argparse
-import logging
-import json
-import pandas as pd
-# =============================================================================
-LOG = logging.getLogger('Get ligands and compounds of protein/protein complexes from PDBe')
-# =============================================================================
-def setlogger():
-    LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    LOG.addHandler(ch)
-def main(pdbe):
-	structure = pd.read_json(pdbe, orient = 'columns')
-	ligand_to_txt(get_ligand(get_ppc_data(structure)))
-	compound_to_txt(get_compound(get_ppc_data(structure)))
-def get_ppc_data(pdbe):
-	ppc_unique_data = []
-	ppc_repeated_data = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'])):
-		assembly_composition = pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['assembly_composition']
-		if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and assembly_composition == ['protein/protein complex']:
-			ppc_unique_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-		elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-			if assembly_composition.count('protein/protein complex') >= 1 and \
-			assembly_composition.count(assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-				ppc_repeated_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-	ppc_all_data = ppc_unique_data + ppc_repeated_data
-	return ppc_all_data
-def get_ligand(ppc):
-	ppc_ligand = []
-	unique_ligand = []
-	for i in xrange(len(ppc)):
-		if 'interacting_ligands' in ppc[i].keys():
-			ppc_ligand.append(ppc[i]['interacting_ligands'][0].split(' :')[0])
-	for j in ppc_ligand:
-		if j not in unique_ligand:
-			unique_ligand.append(j)
-	#print len(unique_ligand)
-	return unique_ligand
-def get_compound(ppc):
-        ppc_compound = []
-        unique_compound = []
-	for i in xrange(len(ppc)):
-                if 'compound_id' in ppc[i].keys():
-			ppc_compound.extend(ppc[i]['compound_id'])
-	for j in ppc_compound:
-		if j not in unique_compound:
-			unique_compound.append(j)
-	#print len(unique_compound)
-	return unique_compound
-def ligand_to_txt(ligand):
-	with open('PPC_LIGANDS_2-20-18PDBe.txt', 'wb') as txtfile:
-		for lig in ligand:
-			txtfile.write(lig + '\n')
-def compound_to_txt(compound):
-        with open('PPC_COMPOUNDS_2-20-18PDBe.txt', 'wb') as txtfile:
-                for c in compound:
-                        txtfile.write(c + '\n')
-# ==============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 
-					'Get ligands and compounds of protein/protein complexes from PDBe')
-    parser.add_argument('pdbe', help = 'Input [.json file]: \
-					PBDe (with interacting ligand and compound information included')
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    setlogger()
-    main(options.pdbe)
diff --git a/pyScripts/get_ppc_protcomp-ion_ppc_from_pdbe.py b/pyScripts/get_ppc_protcomp-ion_ppc_from_pdbe.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a2c0ac99f63241860924a3b5001e069f73a7ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/get_ppc_protcomp-ion_ppc_from_pdbe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: February 2018
-Version: 2
-IDENTIFY PROTEIN STRUCTURE WITH COMPOUNDS (with or without including ions)
-Usage: [Script.py] [PDBe]
-	[PDBe]:
-    Input (json format)
-    PDBe (with [assembly_composition], [compound_id] and [uniprot_id] included)
-	[list(protein)]:
-    Output (txt format)
-    Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-	[json(protein)]:
-    Output (json format)	
-    Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex dataset
-	Compounds:
-	---------
-    [list(protein)]:
-    Output (txt format)
-    Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-    [json(protein)]:
-    Output (json format)        
-    Proteins with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex dataset
-	Compounds:
-	---------
-	** EXAMPLE: [u'FE : FE (III) ION']
-PDBs with unique and repeated assembly composition annotation are both included!
-[unique annotation: 'protein/protein complex']
-[repeated annotation: 'protein/protein complex, protein/protein complex']
-# =============================================================================
-import argparse
-import logging
-import json
-import pandas as pd
-# =============================================================================
-LOG = logging.getLogger('Proteins associated with a PPC - Compounds')
-# =============================================================================
-def setlogger():
-    LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    LOG.addHandler(ch)
-def main(pdbe):
-	structure = pd.read_json(pdbe, orient = 'columns')
-	# Get protein/protein complex [assembly_composition]
-	ppc = get_ppc_data(structure)
-	# Get protein structure [assembly_composition] with 'compounds'
-	prot_compound = get_compound_id(get_prot_data(structure))
-	# Collect PPC UniProt
-	ppc_uniprot = get_uniprot(ppc)
-	# Identify protein structure with compounds associated to PPC 
-	to_txt(get_id_prot_compound_ppc(prot_compound, ppc_uniprot))
-	to_json(get_data_prot_compound_ppc(prot_compound, ppc_uniprot))
-	# Get protein structure [assembly_composition] with compounds (ions only not included)
-	ion = get_ion(get_compound_name(prot_compound))
-	prot_compound_without_ions = get_compound_without_ion(prot_compound, ion)
-	to_txt_ion(get_id_prot_compound_ppc(prot_compound_without_ions, ppc_uniprot))
-	to_json_ion(get_data_prot_compound_ppc(prot_compound_without_ions, ppc_uniprot))
-def get_ppc_data(pdbe):
-	ppc_unique_data = []
-	ppc_repeated_data = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'])):
-		assembly_composition = pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['assembly_composition']
-		if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and assembly_composition == ['protein/protein complex']:
-			ppc_unique_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-		elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-			if assembly_composition.count('protein/protein complex') >= 1 and \
-			assembly_composition.count(assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-				ppc_repeated_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-	ppc_all_data = ppc_unique_data + ppc_repeated_data
-	return ppc_all_data
-def get_prot_data(pdbe):
-	prot_unique_data = []
-	prot_repeated_data = []
-	for i in xrange(len(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'])):
-		assembly_composition = pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0]['assembly_composition']
-		if len(assembly_composition) == 1 and assembly_composition == ['protein structure']:
-			prot_unique_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-		elif len(assembly_composition) > 1:
-			if assembly_composition.count('protein structure') >= 1 and \
-			assembly_composition.count(assembly_composition[0]) == len(assembly_composition):
-				prot_repeated_data.append(pdbe['grouped']['pdb_id']['groups'][i]['doclist']['docs'][0])
-	prot_all_data = prot_unique_data + prot_repeated_data
-	return prot_all_data
-def get_compound_id(data):
-	'''
-	Get 3D structure with compound [compound_id]
-	--------------------------------------------------
-	Argument:
-		[json]: protein structures (dataset)
-	Return:
-		[json]: protein structures with compounds (dataset)
-	'''
-	compound = []
-	for i in xrange(len(data)):
-                if 'compound_id' in data[i].keys():
-					compound.append(data[i])
-	return compound
-def get_uniprot(data):
-	'''
-	Get UniProt
-	-------------------------------------------------
-	Argument:
-		[json]: protein/protein complexes (dataset)
-	Return:
-		[list]: protein/protein complexes Uniprot IDs
-	'''
-	uniprot = []
-	for i in xrange(len(data)):
-		if 'uniprot_id' in data[i].keys():
-			uniprot.extend(data[i]['uniprot_id'])
-	return uniprot
-def get_id_prot_compound_ppc(data, uniprot):
-	'''
-	Get PDB IDs only of protein structure with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex
-	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[json]: protein structures with compounds (dataset)
-		[list]: protein/protein complex uniprot id
-	Return:
-		[list]: protein structure with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex PDB IDs
-	''' 
-	prot_compound_pcc = []
-	for i in xrange(len(data)):
-		if 'uniprot_id' in data[i].keys():
-			if len([e for e in data[i]['uniprot_id'] if e in uniprot]) >= 1:
-				prot_compound_pcc.append(data[i]['pdb_id'])
-	return prot_compound_pcc
-def get_data_prot_compound_ppc(data, uniprot):
-	'''
-	Get data only of protein structure with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex
-	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[json]: protein structures with compounds (dataset)
-		[list]: protein/protein complex uniprot id
-	Return:
-		[json]: protein structure with compounds associated with a protein/protein complex (dataset)
-	''' 
-	prot_compound_pcc_data = []
-	for i in xrange(len(data)):
-		if 'uniprot_id' in data[i].keys():
-			if len([e for e in data[i]['uniprot_id'] if e in uniprot]) >= 1:
-					prot_compound_pcc_data.append(data[i])
-	return prot_compound_pcc_data
-def get_compound_name(data):
-	'''
-	Get protein compound names
-	--------------------------------------------------
-	Argument:
-		[json]: protein structures with compounds (dataset)
-	Return:
-		[list]: compound names
-	'''
-	compound = []
-	for i in xrange(len(data)):
-		if 'compound_name' in data[i].keys():
-			compound.extend(data[i]['compound_name'])
-	return compound
-def get_ion(compound_name):
-	'''
-	Get protein ions
-	--------------------------------------------------
-	Argument:
-		[list]: compound names
-	Return:
-		[list]: ions
-		** EXAMPLE: ['FE']
-	'''
-	ion = []
-	ion_unique = []
-	for i in xrange(len(compound_name)):
-		if 'ION' in compound_name[i].split(' :')[1].split(' '):
-			ion.append(compound_name[i].split(' :')[0])
-	for j in ion:
-		if j not in ion_unique:
-			ion_unique.append(j)
-	print ion_unique
-	return ion_unique
-def get_compound_without_ion(data, ions):
-	'''
-	Get 3D structure with compound [compound_id], ion excluded
-	----------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[json]: protein structures (dataset)
-		[list]: ions
-	Return:
-		[json]: protein structures with compounds != ions (dataset)
-	!Warning!
-	---------
-	Protein structures either with only compounds, or compounds and ions are included
-	Only protein structures with only ions are excluded
-	** EXAMPLE: [u'FE : FE (III) ION']				
-	'''
-	compound_without_ion = []
-	compound_with_ion = []
-	for i in xrange(len(data)):
-		if 'compound_id' in data[i].keys():
-			if len([e for e in data[i]['compound_id'] if e in ions]) == 0:
-				compound_without_ion.append(data[i])
-			elif len([e for e in data[i]['compound_id'] if e in ions]) >= 1:
-				if len([e for e in data[i]['compound_id'] if e in ions]) != len(data[i]['compound_id']):
-					compound_with_ion.append(data[i])
-	compound_ion = compound_without_ion + compound_with_ion				
-	return compound_ion
-def to_txt(index):
-	with open('PROT-COMPOUNDS_PPC_2-20-18PDBe.txt', 'wb') as txtfile:
-		for i in index:
-			txtfile.write(i + '\n')
-def to_json(index):
-	with open('PROT-COMPOUNDS_PPC_2-20-18PDBe.json', 'wb') as jsonfile:
-		json.dump(index, jsonfile)
-def to_txt_ion(index):
-	with open('PROT-COMPOUNDS-noIONS_PPC_2-20-18PDBe.txt', 'wb') as txtfile:
-		for i in index:
-			txtfile.write(i + '\n')
-def to_json_ion(index):
-	with open('PROT-COMPOUNDS-noIONS_PPC_2-20-18PDBe.json', 'wb') as jsonfile:
-		json.dump(index, jsonfile)
-# ==============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 
-    parser.add_argument('pdbe', help = 'Input [.json file]: \
-					PBDe (with [assembly_composition], [compound_id] and [uniprot_id] included)')
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    setlogger()
-    main(options.pdbe)
diff --git a/pyScripts/iPPI-DB_descriptors_V2.py b/pyScripts/iPPI-DB_descriptors_V2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ef516ce6ee41b26aecaada0d83730c0d57572e08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/iPPI-DB_descriptors_V2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: January 2018
-Version: 2
-Usage: [Script.py] [PDB_descriptor.txt] [PDB_2D-3Ddescriptors.csv]
-    Input (txt format)
-    Pocket descriptors calculated by VolSite
-    Output (csv format)
-    Pocket descriptors including:
-    * 89 descriptors from VolSite
-    * 10 descriptors using a linear combination of VolSite descriptors
-      (Kuenemann, 2016 Scientific Reports)
-    * 10 geometric descriptors from RDKit toolkit
-      (http://www.rdkit.org/docs/Overview.html, version 2017.09.1)
-# =============================================================================
-import os
-import sys
-import argparse
-import logging
-import csv
-import pandas as pd
-from rdkit import Chem
-from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors3D
-# =============================================================================
-    'Volume', 'CZ', 'CA', 'O', 'OD1', 'OG', 'N', 'NZ', 'DU',
-    'CZ40', 'CZ40-50', 'CZ50-60', 'CZ60-70', 'CZ70-80', 'CZ80-90', 'CZ90-100', 'CZ100-110', 'CZ110-120', 'CZ120',
-    'CA40', 'CA40-50', 'CA50-60', 'CA60-70', 'CA70-80', 'CA80-90', 'CA90-100', 'CA100-110', 'CA110-120', 'CA120',
-    'O40', 'O40-50', 'O50-60', 'O60-70', 'O70-80', 'O80-90', 'O90-100', 'O100-110', 'O110-120', 'O120',
-    'OD140', 'OD140-50', 'OD150-60', 'OD160-70', 'OD170-80', 'OD180-90', 'OD190-100', 'OD1100-110', 'OD1110-120',
-    'OD1120',
-    'OG40', 'OG40-50', 'OG50-60', 'OG60-70', 'OG70-80', 'OG80-90', 'OG90-100', 'OG100-110', 'OG110-120', 'OG120',
-    'N40', 'N40-50', 'N50-60', 'N60-70', 'N70-80', 'N80-90', 'N90-100', 'N100-110', 'N110-120', 'N120',
-    'NZ40', 'NZ40-50', 'NZ50-60', 'NZ60-70', 'NZ70-80', 'NZ80-90', 'NZ90-100', 'NZ100-110', 'NZ110-120', 'NZ120',
-    'DU40', 'DU40-50', 'DU50-60', 'DU60-70', 'DU70-80', 'DU80-90', 'DU90-100', 'DU100-110', 'DU110-120', 'DU120',
-    'POCKET'
-    'T40': ['CZ40', 'CA40', 'O40', 'OD140', 'OG40', 'N40', 'NZ40', 'DU40'],
-    'T40-50': ['CZ40-50', 'CA40-50', 'O40-50', 'OD140-50', 'OG40-50', 'N40-50', 'NZ40-50', 'DU40-50'],
-    'T50-60': ['CZ50-60', 'CA50-60', 'O50-60', 'OD150-60', 'OG50-60', 'N50-60', 'NZ50-60', 'DU50-60'],
-    'T60-70': ['CZ60-70', 'CA60-70', 'O60-70', 'OD160-70', 'OG60-70', 'N60-70', 'NZ60-70', 'DU60-70'],
-    'T70-80': ['CZ70-80', 'CA70-80', 'O70-80', 'OD170-80', 'OG70-80', 'N70-80', 'NZ70-80', 'DU70-80'],
-    'T80-90': ['CZ80-90', 'CA80-90', 'O80-90', 'OD180-90', 'OG80-90', 'N80-90', 'NZ80-90', 'DU80-90'],
-    'T90-100': ['CZ90-100', 'CA90-100', 'O90-100', 'OD190-100', 'OG90-100', 'N90-100', 'NZ90-100', 'DU90-100'],
-    'T100-110': ['CZ100-110', 'CA100-110', 'O100-110', 'OD1100-110', 'OG100-110', 'N100-110', 'NZ100-110', 'DU100-110'],
-    'T110-120': ['CZ110-120', 'CA110-120', 'O110-120', 'OD1110-120', 'OG110-120', 'N110-120', 'NZ110-120', 'DU110-120'],
-    'PMI1', 'PMI2', 'PMI3', 'NPR1', 'NPR2', 'Rgyr',
-    'Asphericity', 'SpherocityIndex', 'Eccentricity', 'InertialShapeFactor'
-# =============================================================================
-def setlogger():
-    LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - \
-								   %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    LOG.addHandler(ch)
-def main(volsitedescriptor, pocketdescriptor):
-    volsite_csv = descriptor_volsite(volsitedescriptor)
-    combination_csv = descriptor_combination(volsite_csv)
-    volsite_combination_csv = "{}volsite+combinaison.csv".format(
-							  volsite_csv.rsplit("volsite.csv")[0])
-    merge_csv(volsite_csv, combination_csv, volsite_combination_csv)
-    geometric_csv = descriptor_geometric(volsitedescriptor)
-    merge_csv(volsite_combination_csv, geometric_csv, pocketdescriptor)
-    if os.path.exists(pocketdescriptor):
-        os.remove(volsite_csv)
-        os.remove(combination_csv)
-        os.remove(volsite_combination_csv)
-        os.remove(geometric_csv)
-        LOG.info('Finished!')
-    else:
-        LOG.error('Error: 2D/3D Pocket Descriptor file not found')
-        sys.exit(1)
-def descriptor_volsite(txtfile):
-    """
-    Convert VolSite output file from txt format to csv format
-    (descriptor headers added)
-    ---------------------------------------------------------
-    Argument:
-        [file]: VolSite descriptors (txt format)
-    Return:
-        [file]: VolSite descriptors (csv format)
-                with descriptor headers
-    """
-    try:
-        with open(txtfile, 'rb') as infile:
-            volsite_csv = "{}_volsite.csv".format(os.path.splitext(txtfile)[0])
-            with open(volsite_csv, 'wb') as outfile:
-                in_text = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=' ')
-                out_csv = csv.writer(outfile)
-                out_csv.writerow(VOLSITE_HEADER)
-                for line in in_text:
-                    out_csv.writerow(line)
-    except IOError, e:
-        LOG.error('{}'.format(e))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return volsite_csv
-def descriptor_combination(volsite_descriptor_csv):
-    """
-    Calculate and write linear combinations of VolSite descriptors to csv file
-   (Kuenemann, 2016 Scientific Reports)
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Argument:
-        [file]: VolSite descriptors (csv format)
-    Return:
-        [file]: linear combinations of VolSite descriptors (csv format)
-    """
-    with open(volsite_descriptor_csv, 'rb') as infile:
-        volsite = csv.reader(infile, delimiter = ',')
-        descriptors = volsite.next()
-        # Create a dictionnary
-        # key(descriptor): values(list of all pocket values)
-        data = {}
-        # Count the number of pockets
-        numbpocket = 0
-        for header in descriptors:
-            data[header] = []
-        for pocket in volsite:
-            numbpocket += + 1
-            for header, value in zip(descriptors, pocket):
-                data[header].append(value)
-        combination_csv = "{}combination.csv".format(
-						  volsite_descriptor_csv.rsplit("volsite.csv")[0])
-        with open(combination_csv, 'wb') as outfile:
-            combivolsite = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter = ',', 
-									  lineterminator = '\n')
-            # Descriptor headers and values have to be in variables
-            # to write them in a new file column by column (sep = comma)
-            descname = []
-            cdata = []
-            for dch in DESC_COMBINATION.keys():
-                # dch = descriptor combination header (column)
-                bsum = []
-                for p in range(numbpocket):
-                    # p = pocket (row)
-                    buriedness_values = []
-                    for colname in DESC_COMBINATION[dch]:
-                        # Get buriedness value by descriptors
-                        buriedness_values.append(float(data[colname][p]))
-                    # Get sum of buriedness value by descriptor combinations
-                    bsum.append(sum(buriedness_values))
-                descname.append(dch)
-                cdata.append(bsum)
-            combivolsite.writerow(descname)
-            datatransposed = zip(*cdata)
-            for row in datatransposed:
-                combivolsite.writerow(row)
-    return combination_csv
-def descriptor_geometric(txtfile):
-    """
-    Write geometric descriptor from the negative image of binding pockets 
-    detected by VolSite to csv file
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Argument:
-        [file]: VolSite descriptors (txt format)
-    Return:
-        [file]: shape descriptors (csv format)
-    """
-    with open(txtfile, 'rb') as infile:
-        pocketvolsite = csv.reader(infile, delimiter = ',')
-        # Get the number of pockets
-        numbpocket = 0
-        for pocket in pocketvolsite:
-            numbpocket += + 1
-        geometric_csv = "{}geometric.csv".format(os.path.splitext(txtfile)[0])
-        with open(geometric_csv, 'wb') as outfile:
-            shape = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter = ',', lineterminator = '\n')
-            shape.writerow(DESC_GEOM)
-            # Calculate geometric descriptors pocket by pockets
-            for cavity in range(1, numbpocket + 1):
-				pocket_mol2 = "{}_CAVITY_N{}_ALL.mol2".format(
-							  geometric_csv.rsplit("_")[0], cavity)	
-				replace_mol2atom(pocket_mol2)
-				shape.writerow(calculate_shape_descriptor(
-				"temp_{}_CAVITY_N{}_ALL.mol2".format(
-				geometric_csv.rsplit("_")[0], cavity)))
-				os.remove("temp_{}_CAVITY_N{}_ALL.mol2".format(
-				geometric_csv.rsplit("_")[0], cavity))
-	return geometric_csv
-def replace_mol2atom(cavity):
-    """
-    Replace the atom name assigned by VolSite to the probes by 'C' (carbone)
-	Warning 1
-	Fixing the RDKit error: 'atom' with a degree > 1
-	Warning 2
-	RDKit needs the output file [PDB_CAVITY_Nx_ALL_temp.mol2]
-	NOT the link
-	------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Argument:
-        [file]: negative image of a binding pocket (mol2 format)
-    Return:
-        [file]: negative image of a binding pocket with carbone as atom name
-				(mol2 format, temporary file used as input by RDKit)
-    """
-    header = True
-    parsing = False	
-    with open(cavity, 'rb') as infile:
-	with open("temp_{}.mol2".format(cavity.rsplit('.')[0]), 'wb') as tempf:
-		for line in infile:
-			if line.startswith('@<TRIPOS>ATOM'):
-				tempf.write(line)# + '\n')
-				header = False
-				parsing = True
-				continue
-			elif line.startswith('@<TRIPOS>BOND'):
-				parsing = False
-			if header:
-				tempf.write(line)
-			if parsing:
-				tempf.write(line.replace(line.split()[5], 'C'))
-	#return tempf
-def calculate_shape_descriptor(cavity):
-    """
-    Calculate geometric descriptors with RDKit 
-    ------------------------------------------
-    Geometric descriptor details:
-    http://www.rdkit.org/Python_Docs/rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D-module.html
-    Argument:
-        [file]: negative image of a binding pocket (mol2 format)
-    Return:
-        [list]: geometric descriptors
-    """
-    mol2file = Chem.MolFromMol2File(cavity, sanitize = False, removeHs = False)
-    geom_val = []
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.PMI1(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.PMI2(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.PMI3(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.NPR1(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.NPR2(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.RadiusOfGyration(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.Asphericity(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.SpherocityIndex(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.Eccentricity(mol2file))
-    geom_val.append(Descriptors3D.InertialShapeFactor(mol2file))
-    return geom_val
-def merge_csv(csv_infile1, csv_infile2, csv_outfile):
-    """
-    Concatenate two csv files
-    -------------------------
-    Arguments:
-        [file]: input (csv format)
-        [file]: input (csv format)
-        [file]: output filename (csv format)
-    """
-    csv1 = pd.read_csv(csv_infile1)
-    csv2 = pd.read_csv(csv_infile2)
-    csv3 = pd.concat([csv1, csv2], axis = 1)
-    return csv3.to_csv(csv_outfile, sep = ',', index = False)
-# ==============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 
-					'Calculate 2D/3D Pocket Descriptors from VolSite')
-    parser.add_argument('volsitedescriptor', help = 'Input [.txt file]: \
-					Pocket descriptors calculated by VolSite')
-    parser.add_argument('pocketdescriptor', help = 'Output [.csv filename]: \
-					Pocket descriptors including \
-					89 descriptors from VolSite, \
-					10 descriptors using a combination of VolSite descriptors \
-					and 10 geometric descriptors')
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    setlogger()
-    main(options.volsitedescriptor, options.pocketdescriptor)
diff --git a/pyScripts/ion.pdf b/pyScripts/ion.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ecfa3582acda4ea7252068a70a9f9a1259d6f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/pyScripts/ion.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pyScripts/ion.txt b/pyScripts/ion.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ec67982891e76539ee9654375ae4c8acb73de8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/ion.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/pyScripts/ppiinterface_dist.py b/pyScripts/ppiinterface_dist.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e79e69ac85a5c9070b319f5dfa89d29c2570756f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyScripts/ppiinterface_dist.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Author: Alexandra Moine-Franel
-Date: February 2018
-Version: 4
-Determine protein residues at a specific distance either from protein partner, 
-ligand (small molecule) or negative image of the pocket generated by VolSite.
-Usage:	[Script.py] [TARGET] [PARTNER] -d (DISTANCE)
-	Input (.mol2 or .pdb format)
-	Protein CHAIN
-	Input (.mol2 or .pdb format)
-	Negative image of the pocket generated by VolSite (.mol2 format)
-	OR Ligand (.pdb format)
-	OR Protein (.pdb format)
-(DISTANCE)- optionnal
-	Input (float or integer)
-	Distance threshold between the target and the partner
-	* Distance target-protein/ligand = 5 angstroms - by defaut
-	* Distance target-cavity = 3.5 angstroms - by default
-	Output (.txt format)
-	'PDB-targetchain-partnerchain_distance.txt' (target-protein/ligand)
-	OR 'PDB-targetchain-CAVITY_Nx_ALL_distance.txt' (target-cavity)
-# =============================================================================
-import csv
-import os
-import sys
-import argparse
-import logging
-#import time
-from biopandas.mol2 import PandasMol2
-from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-def main(target, partner, distance):
-	#start = time.time()
-	if target and partner:
-		if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.mol2' and \
-		os.path.splitext(partner)[-1] == '.mol2':
-			mol2target = parse_mol2(target)
-			mol2partner = parse_mol2(partner)
-			mol2_respocket(mol2target, mol2partner, distance)
-			if os.path.exists('{}-{}_{}.txt'.format( \
-			mol2target.code, mol2partner.code.rsplit('.mol2')[0], \
-			distance)):
-				LOG.info('Finished!')
-				#end = time.time()
-				#print(end - start)
-			else:
-				LOG.error('Warning! [Output] Not found!')
-				sys.exit(1)			
-		elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pdb' and \
-			os.path.splitext(partner)[-1] == '.pdb':
-			pdbtarget = parse_pdb(target)
-			pdbpartner = parse_pdb(partner)
-			if pdbpartner.df['ATOM'].empty == True:
-				pdb_resinterfacePL(pdbtarget, pdbpartner, distance)
-				if os.path.exists('{}-{}-{}_{}.txt'.format(pdbtarget.code, \
-				pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['chain_id'][0], pdbpartner.df['HETATM']['residue_name'][0], \
-				distance)):
-					LOG.info('Finished!')
-					#end = time.time()
-					#print(end - start)
-				else:
-					LOG.error('Warning! [Output] Not found!')
-					sys.exit(1)
-			else:
-				pdb_resinterfacePP(pdbtarget, pdbpartner, distance)
-				if os.path.exists('{}-{}-{}_{}.txt'.format(pdbtarget.code, \
-				pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['chain_id'][0], pdbpartner.df['ATOM']['chain_id'][0], \
-				distance)):
-					LOG.info('Finished!')
-					#end = time.time()
-					#print(end - start)
-				else:
-					LOG.error('Warning! [Output] Not found!')
-					sys.exit(1)
-		else:
-			LOG.error('Error! [TARGET] or [PARTNER] file not in .mol2 or .pdb format')
-			sys.exit(1)
-	elif target and not partner:
-		parser.error('Error: [PARTNER: protein, ligand or cavity] is required')
-def parse_mol2(mol2file):
-	"""
-	Parse .mol2 file 
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Argument: [file]: .mol2 format
-	Return: [dataframe]
-	"""
-	try:
-		pmol = PandasMol2().read_mol2(mol2file)
-	except(IOError), e:
-		LOG.error('{}'.format(e))
-		sys.exit(1)
-	else:
-		return pmol
-def parse_pdb(pdbfile):
-	"""
-	Parse .pdb file 
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Argument: [file]: .pdb format
-	Return: [dataframe]
-	"""
-	try:
-		ppdb = PandasPdb().read_pdb(pdbfile)
-	except(IOError), e:
-		LOG.error('{}'.format(e))
-		sys.exit(1)
-	else:
-		return ppdb
-def mol2_respocket(mol2target, mol2partner, distance):
-	"""
-	Identify protein target residues at a specified distance from its partner
-	(i.e. the cavity negative image generated by VolSite).
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[file]: protein target (.mol2 format)
-		[file]: negative image of the binding pocket (.mol2 format)
-		[float]: distance threshold (by default, 3.5 angstroms)
-	Return:
-		[file]: pocket residues (.txt format)
-	"""
-	ppires = []
-	with open('{}-{}_{}.txt'.format(mol2target.code, \
-	mol2partner.code.rsplit('.mol2')[0], \
-	distance), 'wb') as outfile:
-		for probe in xrange(len(mol2partner.df.atom_id)):
-			for atom in xrange(len(mol2target.df.atom_id)):
-				if mol2target.df.subst_name[atom] not in ppires:
-					xp = mol2target.df['x'][atom]
-					xc = mol2partner.df['x'][probe]
-					distX = x_dist(xp, xc)
-					if distX < float(distance):
-						yp = mol2target.df['y'][atom]
-						yc = mol2partner.df['y'][probe]
-						distXY = xy_dist(xp, yp, xc, yc)
-						if distXY < float(distance):
-							zp = mol2target.df['z'][atom]
-							zc = mol2partner.df['z'][probe]
-							distXYZ = euclidian_dist(xp, yp, zp, xc, yc, zc) 
-							if distXYZ < float(distance):
-								ppires.append(mol2target.df.subst_name[atom])
-		for resp in ppires:
-			outfile.write(resp + '\n')
-def pdb_resinterfacePP(pdbtarget, pdbpartner, distance):
-	"""
-	Identify protein target residues at a specified distance from its partner
-	(i.e. protein)
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[file]: protein target (.pdb format)
-		[file]: protein partner (.pdb format)
-		[float]: distance threshold (by default, 5 angstroms)
-	Return:
-		[file]: interface residues (.txt format)
-	"""
-	ppires = []
-	with open('{}-{}-{}_{}.txt'.format(pdbtarget.code, \
-	pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['chain_id'][0], pdbpartner.df['ATOM']['chain_id'][0], \
-	distance), 'wb') as outfile:
-		for atomt in xrange(len(pdbpartner.df['ATOM']['atom_number'])):
-			for atomp in xrange(len(pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['atom_number'])):
-				if ''.join(map(str, (pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_name'][atomp], \
-				pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_number'][atomp]))) not in ppires:
-					xp = pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['x_coord'][atomp]
-					xc = pdbpartner.df['ATOM']['x_coord'][atomt]
-					distX = x_dist(xp, xc)
-					if distX < float(distance):
-						yp = pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['y_coord'][atomp]
-						yc = pdbpartner.df['ATOM']['y_coord'][atomt]
-						distXY = xy_dist(xp, yp, xc, yc)
-						if distXY < float(distance):
-							zp = pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['z_coord'][atomp]
-							zc = pdbpartner.df['ATOM']['z_coord'][atomt]
-							distXYZ = euclidian_dist(xp, yp, zp, xc, yc, zc) 
-							if distXYZ < float(distance):
-								ppires.append(''.join(map(str, \
-								(pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_name'][atomp], \
-								pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_number'][atomp]))))
-		for resp in ppires:
-			outfile.write(resp + '\n')
-def pdb_resinterfacePL(pdbtarget, pdbpartner, distance):
-	"""
-	Identify protein target residues at a specified distance from its partner
-	(i.e. ligand)
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[file]: protein target (.pdb format)
-		[file]: ligand (.pdb format)	 
-		[float]: distance threshold (by default, 5 angstroms)
-	Return:
-		[file]: pocket residues (.txt format)
-	"""
-	ppires = []
-	with open('{}-{}-{}_{}.txt'.format(pdbtarget.code, \
-	pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['chain_id'][0], pdbpartner.df['HETATM']['residue_name'][0], \
-	distance), 'wb') as outfile:
-		for atomt in xrange(len(pdbpartner.df['HETATM']['atom_number'])):
-			for atomp in xrange(len(pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['atom_number'])):
-				if ''.join(map(str, (pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_name'][atomp], \
-				pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_number'][atomp]))) not in ppires:
-					xp = pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['x_coord'][atomp]
-					xc = pdbpartner.df['HETATM']['x_coord'][atomt]
-					distX = x_dist(xp, xc)
-					if distX < float(distance):
-						yp = pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['y_coord'][atomp]
-						yc = pdbpartner.df['HETATM']['y_coord'][atomt]
-						distXY = xy_dist(xp, yp, xc, yc)
-						if distXY < float(distance):
-							zp = pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['z_coord'][atomp]
-							zc = pdbpartner.df['HETATM']['z_coord'][atomt]
-							distXYZ = euclidian_dist(xp, yp, zp, xc, yc, zc) 
-							if distXYZ < float(distance):
-								ppires.append(''.join(map(str, \
-								(pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_name'][atomp], \
-								pdbtarget.df['ATOM']['residue_number'][atomp]))))
-		for resp in ppires:
-			outfile.write(resp + '\n')
-def x_dist(x1, x2):
-	"""
-	Calculate the distance x between two 1D points
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[float]: coordinate x of target atom
-				 coordinate x of partnet atom
-	Return:
-		[float]: distance 
-	"""
-	dist = ((x1-x2)**2) ** 0.5
-	return dist
-def xy_dist(x1, y1, x2, y2):
-	"""
-	Calculate the distance xy between two 2D points
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[float]: coordinates xy of target atom
-				 coordinates xy of partnet atom
-	Return:
-		[float]: distance 
-	"""
-	dist = ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2) ** 0.5	
-	return dist
-def euclidian_dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2):
-	"""
-	Calculate the euclidian distance xyz between two 3D points
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Arguments:
-		[float]: coordinates xyz of target atom
-				 coordinates xyz of partnet atom
-	Return:
-		[float]: distance 
-	"""
-	dist = ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2) ** 0.5
-	return dist
-def setlogger():
-	LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-	ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-	ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-	formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - \
-	%(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-	ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-	LOG.addHandler(ch)
-def default_distance(options):
-	if os.path.splitext(options.partner)[-1] == '.mol2':
-		options.distance = 3.5
-	elif os.path.splitext(options.partner)[-1] == '.pdb':
-		options.distance = 5.0
-	return options.distance
-# ==============================================================================
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Identify interface/pocket residues')
-	parser.add_argument('target', \
-	help = 'Input [.mol2 or .pdb file]: protein target')
-	parser.add_argument('partner', \
-	help = 'Input [.pdb file]: protein partner or ligand; OR [.mol2 file]: cavity')
-	parser.add_argument('-d', dest = 'distance', type = float, \
-	help = 'Input [float or integer]: distance threshold \
-	{by default, target-protein/ligand = 5A; target-cavity = 3.5A}')
-	options = parser.parse_args()
-	if options.distance is None:
-		default_distance(options)
-	setlogger()
-	main(options.target, options.partner, options.distance)