iPPI-DB project repository
Refactoring and update of iPPIDB database
Description of the repository:
- ansible recipes to deploy ippidb web site automatically
- module for IChem private tool.
INFO: to use IChem on TARS:
#module load /pasteur/projets/policy01/IPPI-DB/sources/iPPIDB/ichem_module/5.2.8
- module for IChem private tool.
INFO: to use IChem on TARS:
- java codes a bit optimized and refactored by Hélenes Borges (a full refactoring is not mandatory but needed (can be done later) (brainstorming and documentation available at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-HZZiRmEtipNkKLxKpmAhNHmuBbsjCQ7jmcTdgmf88g/edit?usp=sharing)
- binaries used for the ippidb website backend calculations
- the galaxy subdirectory contains Galaxy XML for galaxy-dev.web.pasteur.fr instance
- the lib_lib subdirectory contains the jar dependancies for the Java Chemaxon based program (sources are in ippidb_backend dir)
- files mandatory for the binaries execution:
- the Chemaxon licenses (update here and with the same name of the license is updated in 2018)
- files mandatory for the binaries execution:
- module for Chemaxon based private tools.
INFO: to use Chemaxon tools on TARS:
#module load /pasteur/projets/policy01/IPPI-DB/sources/iPPIDB/ippidb_module/0.1
- module for Chemaxon based private tools.
INFO: to use Chemaxon tools on TARS:
- python scripts for the tarbased based ippidb approach
- galaxy directory with the XMLs for the python scripts + gromacs protonation tools + IChem Volsite XML (not fonctional yet)
ippisite (HM, and RT don't hesitate to fill this description)
- django web interface for ippidb
- front-end web interface