In this section is described the common way to contribute to the different projects.
# From a new issue to new feature
The flow we are currently using is the following:
1. Create an issue
2. Pick an issue and create corresponding branch
3. Open a merge request from the feature branch to the `dev` branch
## Opening a new issue
To keep a record of the work and also have a dedicated place to discuss the different steps of the project, every work done needs to go through an issue first.
> We try to keep issues as simple as possible, meaning we only try to address one problem per issue. It helps focussing on one question at the time and also ease the process of reviewing by other developpers when merging the new work.
A template to help you structure your issue is sometimes available. The description needs to contain any meaningful material concerning the issues. Sometimes, only the title is enough to understand the purpose of the new issue. In any case, feel free to comment as much as you want on the issues.
You can find more information about issues on the [GitLab documentation page](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/).
## Creating new branch
You can start working on an issue by creating a new branch.
We usually use the following naming convention: `${ISSUE-NUMBER}-${FEATURE-NAME}` (*e.g. 133-my-awesome-feature*). It helps to quickly retrieve the corresponding issues, especially when several branches are present.
## Opening a merge request
Once your branch is created and pushed, you can open a merge request at any time.
> You do not need to wait for your work to be done and add the `WIP:` prefix to highlight that this is still some ongoing work. This can be a good idea when stuck with a problem to ask for help from another developper.
Again, a template might be available to help you. You can make a reference to the corresponding issue, remind the important modification of the work or what actually changed from the initial description from the issue.
> You can make a reference to an issue to automatically close it using the `Closes` key word. (e.g. Closes #12 will close issue number 12)
We recommend to also select the option to `Delete source branch when merge request is accepted` to prevent accumulating old branches on the repository. |