@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ Run _wgetENAHTS_ without option to read the following documentation:
* The HTS read accessions should starts with DRR, ERR or SRR (specified as final arguments, or in a text file using option `-f`). The output file names are identical to those available in the repository corresponding to each specified accession identifier. Every downloaded file has file extension `.fastq.gz`.
* After checking the existence of a repository for each sêcified accession, a first step of (parallel) downloading is performed. Each downloaded file that seems incomplete (or missing) is downloaded a second time.
* For each specified accession, a summary file (extension `.weh`) is written. This summary file contains the list of associated FASTQ file(s) together with their expected MD5 hash value.
* After checking the existence of a repository for each specified accession, a first step of (parallel) downloading is performed. Each downloaded file that seems incomplete (MD5 checksum) is downloaded a second time.
* No download is performed when the output directory already contains files named with the specified accessions.