Soal Pilihan Ganda Noun Clauses Dengan Kunci Jawaban
Soal Pilihan Ganda Noun Clauses Dengan Kunci Jawaban
Noun clauses adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dalam kalimat. Noun clauses dapat berperan sebagai subjek, objek, pelengkap, atau keterangan dalam kalimat. Noun clauses biasanya diawali dengan kata penghubung seperti that, what, who, whom, which, whoever, whatever, dll.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal pilihan ganda noun clauses dengan kunci jawaban. Bacalah setiap kalimat dengan seksama dan pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut.
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- _________ you said really hurt my feelings.
a) That
b) What
c) Who
d) Which
Jawaban: b) What 2. I don't know _________ he is coming or not.
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) whether
Jawaban: d) whether 3. She asked me _________ I liked her dress.
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) if
Jawaban: d) if 4. _________ wins the race will get a prize.
a) That
b) What
c) Who
d) Whoever
Jawaban: d) Whoever 5. He gave me _________ I needed.
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) which
Jawaban: b) what
Here are some more questions for you to practice.
- She told me _________ she had seen at the mall.
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) which
Jawaban: b) what 2. _________ he said was not true.
a) That
b) What
c) Who
d) Which
Jawaban: a) That 3. They don't care _________ you do.
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) which
Jawaban: b) what 4. Do you know _________ lives in that house?
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) which
Jawaban: c) who 5. She can't decide _________ dress to buy.
a) that
b) what
c) who
d) which
Jawaban: d) which
I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. Noun clauses are an important part of English grammar and can help you express your ideas more clearly and accurately. If you want to learn more about noun clauses and other types of clauses, you can visit for more lessons and exercises.
Here are some more paragraphs for you to read.
Noun clauses can also be introduced by words like how, when, where, why, and whether. These words act as connectors between the main clause and the noun clause. For example:
- I don't know how he did it. (noun clause as object)
- The reason why she left is a mystery. (noun clause as subject complement)
- Tell me where you hid the keys. (noun clause as object)
- He asked me whether I liked chocolate. (noun clause as object)
- I wonder when he will arrive. (noun clause as subject)
Noun clauses can also be reduced to shorter forms by omitting some words. This usually happens when the noun clause is the subject or the object of the main clause and has the same subject as the main clause. For example:
- What he wants is more money. (noun clause as subject) -> Wanting more money is what he wants. (reduced noun clause as subject)
- I heard that she sings very well. (noun clause as object) -> I heard her sing. (reduced noun clause as object)
- She knows that he loves her. (noun clause as object) -> She knows him loving her. (reduced noun clause as object)
Noun clauses are a useful way to add more information and variety to your sentences. They can help you express your thoughts more clearly and precisely. Try to use noun clauses in your writing and speaking and see how they can improve your communication skills. f48c464d34