xlsx.path<-"C:\\Users\\gmillot\\Documents\\Hub projects\\20210914 Alice Dejoux 19463\\dataset\\24_03_18_circo plot VH-VL appariesv_meta_data.xlsx"
tsv.path<-"C:\\Users\\gmillot\\Desktop\\mouse1_circos_data.tsv"# "C:\\Users\\gmillot\\Documents\\Hub projects\\20210914 Alice Dejoux 19463\\dataset\\24_03_18_circo plot VH-VL appariesv_meta_data.xlsx"
sheetName<-"mouse_1"# sheet number
Name<-"Name"# column of the sequence names
col1<-"VH_VJ"# first column name
col2<-"VL_VJ"# second column name
col1<-"VJ_VH"# first column name
col2<-"VJ_VL"# second column name
col1.selection<-c("IGHV1-7_IGHJ2","IGHV1-55_IGHJ2","IGHV1-81_IGHJ2")# single vector of characters indicating the values to select inside col1 for the circos representation. Write NULL if not required
col2.selection<-c("IGKV4-68_IGKJ5","IGKV2-112_IGKJ2")# single vector of characters indicating the values to select inside col2 for the circos representation. Write NULL if not required
coupled.selection<-TRUE# single logical value. Couple col1.selection and col2.selection? If TRUE, col1.selection and col2.selection must be of same length: element 1 of col1.selection is parired with 1 col2.selection, etc. If FALSE, select the values without pairing.
metadata<-c("mAb_name","Kd_nM")# single vector of characters indicating the name of the column with metadata