@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ You can access the Online help by clicking on “Help” in the bar menu then on
- Load your own genome: in the bar menu, click on “Genomes” then on “Load genome from File”. Your genome should be an indexed FASTA file (.fa or .fasta)
- You can also load a genome from an URL or a server.
- You can also load a genome from an URL or a server, click on Genomes > Select Hosted Genomes .
Ex: Mouse genome mm9 (showing all chromosomes by default)
@@ -123,12 +123,16 @@ The whole chromosome is shown by default. You can specify a genomic range (chr10
- Possibility to load different types of data on the same reference genome
- Load data from different locations (local, URL or server):
- From your computer : click on “File” > “Load From File” (previously saved from Galaxy using the floppy disk icon in a dataset)
- From your computer : click on “File” > “Load From File”
- From an Url: click on “File” > “Load From URL”
- From ENCODE: click on “File” > “Load From ENCODE (2012)” (available for hg19 and mm9)
- pick MEF signal and peaks
### Save alignments from visible locus
- Right-click on each alignment track then on “Export Alignments” to save visible alignments from the selected track in “.SAM” format
- Visualize actif gene (ex chr19:9,061,080-9,156,156 or Ahnak)