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<script setup lang="ts">
import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
import PlotFigure from "~/components/PlotFigure";
import { useDisplay } from "vuetify";
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import JsonCSV from 'vue-json-csv';
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import { useFacetsStore, type Facets } from '~~/stores/facets'
const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig();
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const facetStore = useFacetsStore()
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const { width, height } = useDisplay();
const minTableHeight = ref(400)
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const computedTableHeight = computed(() => {
  const computedHeight = height.value - 500
  return computedHeight > minTableHeight.value ? computedHeight : minTableHeight.value
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const sortBy: Ref<{ key: string, order: string }[]> = ref([{ key: 'type', order: "asc" }])
const msSortBy = computed(() => {
  if (sortBy.value.length > 0) {
    return => {
      if (curr?.key && curr?.order) {
        return `${curr.key}:${curr.order}`
      else { return "" }
  } else { return [""] }

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const availableTaxo: Ref<string[]> = ref(["species", "genus", "family", "order", "phylum", "Superkingdom"]);
const selectedTaxoRank = ref("phylum");
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const computedWidth = computed(() => {
  return Math.max(width.value, 550);
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const plotHeight = computed(() => {
  return computedWidth.value / 4;
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// const filterError = ref(null)
const search: Ref<string> = ref("");
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const filter: Ref<string> = ref('')
const hitsPerPage: Ref<number> = ref(25)
const limit = ref(1000)
const itemValue = ref("id");
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const facets = ref([
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const page = ref(1)
const prependHeaders = ref([
  { title: "Replicon", key: "replicon" },
    title: "System",
    key: "type",
    title: "Subtype",
    key: "subtype",
const appendHeaders = ref([
    title: "Accessions",
    key: "accession_in_sys"
function capitalize([first,]) {
  return first.toUpperCase() + rest.join('').toLowerCase();
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const {
  hits: items,
  totalHits: itemsLength,
  facetDistribution }
  = useFetchMsDocument(
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watch(facetDistribution, (facetDistri) => {
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  facetStore.setFacets({ facetDistribution: facetDistri, facetStat: undefined })
const computedSystemDistribution = computed(() => {
  if (facetDistribution.value?.type) {
    return Object.entries(facetDistribution.value.type).map(([key, value]) => {
      return { type: key, count: value }
  } else { return [] }


const computedTaxonomyDistribution = computed(() => {
  if (facetDistribution.value?.[selectedTaxoRank.value]) {
    return Object.entries(facetDistribution.value[selectedTaxoRank.value]).map(([key, value]) => {
      return { [selectedTaxoRank.value]: key, count: value }
  } else { return [] }


const computedHeaders = computed(() => {
  return [...prependHeaders.value, => {
    return {
      title: capitalize(taxo),
      key: taxo
  }), ...appendHeaders.value]

function itemToFilter(item, key) {
  const value = item[key]
  const filterToAdd = /\s/g.test(value) ? `${key}="${value}"` : `${key}=${value}`
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  return filter.value === '' ? filterToAdd : `${filter.value} AND ${filterToAdd}`

const itemFilterKeys = computed(() => {
  return [...availableTaxo.value, 'type', 'subtype']
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const defaultBarPlotOptions = computed(() => {
  return {
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    x: { label: null, tickRotate: 70 },
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    y: { nice: true, grid: true },
    color: { legend: true },
    width: computedWidth.value,
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    height: plotHeight.value,
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const computedDistriSystemOptions = computed(() => {
  return {
    marginBottom: 120,
    marks: [
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      // Plot.frame(),
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          y: "count", x: 'type', tip: true,
          fill: "#6750a4",
          sort: { x: "-y" },

const computedDistriTaxoOptions = computed(() => {
  return {
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    marginBottom: 200,
    marks: [
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Remi  PLANEL's avatar
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          y: "count",
          x: selectedTaxoRank.value,
          tip: true,
          fill: "#6750a4",
          sort: { x: "-y" },
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// const datatable = ref(null)
const hasToGenerateDownload = ref(false)
let itemsToDownload = ref()

watch(hasToGenerateDownload, (val) => {
  if (val === true) {
    const { hits: items, pending, totalHits: itemsLength, filterError, facetDistribution } = useFetchMsDocument("refseq", search, filter, limit, hitsPerPage, page, facets)
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    itemsToDownload.value = items.value
  <v-card flat>
    <v-toolbar color="primary" density="compact">
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      <v-toolbar-title>RefSeq Entries ({{ itemsLength }})
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      <JsonCSV :data="itemsToDownload" name="refseq-defenes-system.csv">
        <v-btn icon @click="hasToGenerateDownload = true">
          <v-icon icon="md:download"></v-icon>
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          <v-tooltip activator="parent" location="bottom">Download {{ itemsLength }} entries</v-tooltip>
    <!-- </template> -->
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      Tu peux mettre du texte ici

      <v-text-field v-model="search" prepend-inner-icon="mdi-magnify" label="Search for defense systems" hide-details
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        class="mx-2 mb-1" clearable></v-text-field>

    <v-col class="pt-1">
      Examples: <v-chip color="primary" @click="search = 'RADAR'">RADAR</v-chip> <v-chip color="primary"
        @click="search = 'BREX'">BREX</v-chip>
    <v-col cols="auto">
      <v-text-field v-model="filter" prepend-inner-icon="mdi-magnify" label="Filter" hide-details="auto" class="mx-2"
        clearable :error-messages="filterError"></v-text-field></v-col>
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    <v-data-table-server v-model:page="page" v-model:items-per-page="hitsPerPage" v-model:sortBy="sortBy" fixed-header
      :loading="pending" :headers="computedHeaders" :items="items" :items-length="itemsLength" :item-value="itemValue"
      multi-sort density="compact" :height="computedTableHeight" class="elevation-1 mt-2">
      <template #[`item.${key}`]="{ item }" v-for="key in itemFilterKeys" :key="key">
        <v-chip @click="filter = itemToFilter(item, key)">{{ item[key] }}</v-chip>
      <template #[`item.accession_in_sys`]="{ item }">
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        <accession-chips :accessions="item.accession_in_sys" baseUrl=""></accession-chips>
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  <v-card flat class="my-3" :loading="pending">
    <v-card-title> Systems Distribution</v-card-title>

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      <PlotFigure :options="unref(computedDistriSystemOptions)" defer></PlotFigure>
  <v-card flat :loading="pending">
    <v-card-title> Taxonomic Distribution</v-card-title>
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      <v-select v-model="selectedTaxoRank" :items="availableTaxo" density="compact"
        label="Select taxonomic rank"></v-select>
      <PlotFigure defer :options="unref(computedDistriTaxoOptions)"></PlotFigure>