MaggotUBA backend adapter
Wrapper project to allow the Nyx tagger UI to call MaggotUBA
This project heavily depends on the TaggingBackends
package that drives the development of automatic tagging backends.
MaggotUBA is an autoencoder trained on randomly sampled 20-time-step time segments drawn from the t5 and t15 databases (from t15 only for current default), with a computational budget of 1,000 training epochs (10,000 for current default). In its original "unsupervised" or self-supervised form, it reconstructs series of spines from a compressed latent representation.
For the automatic tagging, the encoder is combined with a classifier. On the same dataset, the combined encoder-classifier are (re-)trained to predict discrete behaviors.
6-behavior classification task
6-behavior refers to run, cast, back, hunch, roll and stop_large.
As a first prototype, the 20220418
trained model is based on a simple random forest classifier, and only the classifier was trained; the encoder was not retrained.
See module maggotuba.models.randomforest
It was trained on the entire t5+t15 database. No interpolation was performed and the prototype does not properly handle data with different frame rates.
and 20221005-1
A second tagger called 20221005
involves a classifier with dense layers, and the encoder was fine-tuned while training the combined encoder+classifier.
See modules maggotuba.models.trainers
and maggotuba.models.modules
This second tagger was dimensioned following a parametric exploration for the 6-behavior classification task: 2-second time segments, 100-dimension latent space, 3 dense layers.
It was trained on a subset of 5000 files from the t5 and t15 databases. Spines were/are linearly interpolated at 10 Hz in each time segment individually.
The 20221005-1
tagger is identical. It was first thought to implement a post-prediction correction step referred to as ABA -> AAA, but actually did not.
This tagger combines 25 taggers based on a 1.5-s time window and 25 taggers based on a 3-s time window, and uses a voting approach (or bagging). All simple taggers featured 25 latent dimensions and 1 dense layer (as classifier) only, following another parametric exploration for the 6-behavior classification task.
This complex tagger was not distributed in any latest
Docker image. See experimental image 0.7.2-20221228.
It runs 50 times slower and does not solve any of the issues of 20221005
7-behavior classification task
7-behavior refers to run_large, cast_large, back_large, hunch_large, roll_large, stop_large and small_motion.
As a stronger default tagger, the small_motion
was reintroduced to lower the detection rate of hunches and rolls.
The 20230111
tagger uses a 2-s time window, features 25 latent dimensions and a single dense layer as classifier.
It applies a post-prediction rule referred to as ABC -> AAC that consists in correcting all single-step actions with the previous action.
Previous tagger 20230111
revealed a temporal leakage issue that might have affected all previous taggers.
A similar tagger called 20230129
has been proposed to moderate this issue.
This tagger shares the same characteristics as 20230111
and differs in three important aspects:
- the number of training epochs was brought from 1,000 to 10,000 to let the original features be largely forgotten,
- the training stage involved more data: 1,200,235 time segments were used instead of 100,000; these data were unbalanced and training was performed with the newly introduced balancing strategy
(see larvatagger.jl#92), - pretraining and training data were drawn from t15 only (as opposed to previous taggers that were pretrained and trained with data from t15 and t5).
Note the last difference was not meant to improve performance, at all. The 20230129
was trained this way to study its performance on t5, and was kept as is after it showed better performance on t5 data, compared to previous taggers trained with t5 data in addition to t15 data.
For installation, see TaggingBackends' README.
A MaggotUBA-based tagger is typically called using the poetry run tagging-backend
command from the root directory of the backend's project.
All the command arguments supported by TaggingBackends
are also supported by MaggotUBA-adapter
Automatic tagging
Using the 20230129
branch, the 20230129
tagger can be called on a supported tracking data file with:
poetry run tagging-backend predict --model-instance 20230129
Note: since TaggingBackends==0.10
, the --skip-make-dataset
argument is default behavior. Pass --make-dataset
instead to enforce the former default.
For the above command to work, the track data file must be placed (e.g. copied) in the data/raw/20230129
directory, to be first created or cleared.
The resulting label file can be found as data/processed/20230129/predicted.label. Like all .label files, this file should be stored as a sibling of the corresponding track data file (in the same directory).
Similarly, with an arbitrary tagger named, say mytagger, in the above explanation all occurences of 20230129
or 20230129 must be replaced by the tagger's name.
For example, the input data file would go into data/raw/mytagger.
On HPC clusters
Simultaneously tagging multiple tracking data files result in file conflicts because the same data directories are used internally.
Use the larvatagger.jl script of the LarvaTagger.jl project instead, with argument --data-isolation
Retraining a tagger
A new model instance can be trained on a data repository with:
poetry run tagging-backend train --model-instance <tagger-name>
Similarly to the predict command, for this one to work, the data repository must be made available in the data/raw/<tagger-name> directory (again, to be created or cleared).
The above command will first load a pretrained model (pretrained_models/default
in MaggotUBA-adapter
) to determine additional parameters, such as whether to interpolate the spines or not and at which frequency, or the window length.
Beware that the default pretrained model may depend on the branch you are on.
The default pretrained model in the 20221005 branch involves linearly interpolating the spines at 10 Hz, and relies on a 20-time-step window (2 seconds). The dimensionality of the latent space is 100.
The default pretrained models in the 20230111 and 20230129 branches similarly interpolate spines at 10 Hz and rely on a 20-time-step window (2 seconds), but feature 25 latent dimensions only.
Alternative pretrained models can be specified using the --pretrained-model-instance
The data files are discovered in the repository (more exactly in data/raw/<tagger-name>) and behavior tags are counted.
A subset of tags can be specified using the --labels
option followed by a list of comma-separated tags.
A two-level balancing rule is followed to randomly select time segments and thus form a training dataset in the shape of a larva_dataset hdf5 file.
See also the
Training operates in two steps, first pretraining the dense-layer classifier, second simultaneously fine-tuning the encoder and classifier.
See also the
This generates a new sub-directory in the models
directory of the MaggotUBA-adapter
project, which makes the trained model discoverable for automatic tagging (predict command).