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Commit f0524fe6 authored by François  LAURENT's avatar François LAURENT
Browse files

minor refacto

parent 178fe0d8
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......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ To run `LarvaTagger.jl`, you will need `julia>=1.6` and a `trx.mat` file in a fr
## Install
In a fresh directory:
julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(["",""])
julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(["",""])'
Take note of the location of your new virtual environment, associated with the local directory (`--project=.`).
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ using Statistics
using Observables
using Meshes
export larvaviewer
export larvaviewer#, larvaeditor
......@@ -19,26 +19,11 @@ include("controllers.jl")
function larvaviewer(path)
tag_lut = Dict(
:small_motion => :grey90,
:stop_large => :green,
:run_large => :black,
:cast_large => :red,
:hunch_large => :blue,
:back_large => :cyan,
:roll_large => :yellow,
# read the data
datasources = loaddata(path)
# simplify
_, data = first(datasources[:trx].data)
# preprocess
times = PlanarLarvae.times(data)
model = [LarvaModel(id, ts, tag_lut, times) for (id, ts) in pairs(data)]
# view
model, ctrl = load_trx_large(path)
scene = Figure()
larvaplayer!(scene, model, tag_lut, times)
# main loop
# playercontrols must be called before larvaviewer!
scene.layout[2, 1] = playercontrols(scene, ctrl.player)
larvaviewer!(scene.layout[1, 1], model, ctrl)
return scene
......@@ -104,6 +104,11 @@ gettime(controller::Animator, step::Int) = controller.times[step]
playercontrols(gridpos, animator)
Important note: must be called _before_ `larvaviewer!`
function playercontrols(scene, controller::Animator)
bind!(controller, scene)
times = controller.times
......@@ -37,9 +37,10 @@ function Makie.plot!(larva::LarvaPlot{<:MinimalLarva})
return larva
function gettag(tag_lut, tags, default_color)
function gettag(tag_lut, state, default_color)
haskey(state, :tags) || return (nothing, default_color)
tags′ = collect(keys(tag_lut))
tags = tags′ tags.tags
tags = tags′ state.tags
if isempty(tags)
return (nothing, default_color)
@recipe(LarvaViewer) do scene
:show_grid => false,
function larvaplayer!(scene, model, tag_lut, times)
ctrl = GeneralController(model, tag_lut, times)
mainview = Axis(scene.layout[1, 1], aspect=DataAspect())
scene.layout[2, 1] = playercontrols(scene, ctrl.player)
views = nothing
function Makie.plot!(viewer::LarvaViewer{Tuple{Vector{<:LarvaModel}, <:GeneralController}})
throw(ErrorException("use larvaviewer! instead"))
function larvaviewer!(view, model, ctrl)
if view isa Axis
# ok
elseif view isa GridPosition
view = Axis(view, aspect=DataAspect())
elseif view isa Figure
view = Axis(view.layout[1, 1], aspect=DataAspect())
throw(ErrorException("not implemented for view type $(typeof(view))"))
childviews = nothing
for larva in model
@debug "initializing larva $("
plot = larvaplot!(mainview, larva, ctrl)
plot = larvaplot!(view, larva, ctrl)
# store
if isnothing(views)
views = Dict{LarvaID, typeof(plot)}()
if isnothing(childviews)
childviews = Dict{LarvaID, typeof(plot)}()
views[] = plot
childviews[] = plot
@debug "all larvae ok"
setbounds!(mainview, ctrl, model)
setbounds!(view, ctrl, model)
@debug "main view ok"
DataInspector(mainview, range=2, textsize=14)
DataInspector(view, range=2, textsize=14)
@debug "inspector ok"
setmouseevents!(mainview, views, ctrl)
setkeyboardevents!(mainview, views, ctrl)
# initial state
timestep!(ctrl, 1)
setmouseevents!(view, childviews, ctrl)
setkeyboardevents!(view, childviews, ctrl)
@debug "event handling ok"
return (view=view, childviews=childviews)
function load_trx_large(path)
tag_lut = Dict(
:small_motion => :grey90,
:stop_large => :green,
:run_large => :black,
:cast_large => :red,
:hunch_large => :blue,
:back_large => :cyan,
:roll_large => :yellow,
# read the data
datasources = loaddata(path)
# simplify
_, data = first(datasources[:trx].data)
# preprocess
times = PlanarLarvae.times(data)
model = [LarvaModel(id, ts, tag_lut, times) for (id, ts) in pairs(data)]
ctrl = GeneralController(model, tag_lut, times)
return (model=model, controller=ctrl)
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