Filtering defaults for underspecified labels are too exclusive
When behavior tags are provided with no associated colors, a default rule applies to the tags usually found in trx.mat files, following one of the conventions used for the analysis of the discrete behavior. Several conventions were introduced in JBM's post-tagging pipeline to deal with overlapping tags. As a consequence of using one specific convention, some tags are activated while others are not. The activated tags are: back_large, cast_large, hunch_large, roll_large, run_large, stop_large, small_motion.
Problem: In the case similar tags are used, e.g. those in the 6-behavior convention (back, cast, hunch, roll, run, stop), LarvaTagger.jl keeps on falling back to using the 7-behavior convention. While the missing color information is properly inferred, a label file will be loaded with all the tags deactivated, and the user must manually activate them in the Tags panel.
Proposal: We want colored tags to be filtered out (automatically deactivated) iff {back|cast|hunch|roll|run|stop}_large tags are found together with their suffix-free equivalents. Idealy, this should apply to trx.mat files only.
In addition, the automatic coloring for tags with missing color info could support more keywords:
- bend as a synonym for cast (in red),
- crawl (alone) as a synonym for run (in black),
- uppercase variants (MaggotUBA stores the discrete labels uppercase).