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Hippolyte VERDIER / gratin_fbm
Apache License 2.0version of gratin adapted for inference of fBM properties
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Mohamed Mounib BENIMAM / SplineDist
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPytorch implementation of the Spline dist cell segmentation method
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You can find here the scripts corresponding to this paper: "A simple, reproducible and cost-effective procedure to analyse gut phageome: from phage isolation to bioinformatic approach"
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Rayan CHIKHI / serratus-batch-assembly
MIT No AttributionUpdated -
gem / spot_ICE
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyscript that makes a visual representation of a spot containing ICE.
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Archived 0Updated
This repo contains the script, model and parameters needed to train a StarDist model on the simulated dataset used in the ISBI Grand Challenge on Single-Particle Tracking.
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The impact of genetic diversity on gene essentiality within the E. coli species
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scripts to prepare gwas data for using PAINTOR (https://github.com/gkichaev/PAINTOR_V3.0)
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The impact of genetic diversity on gene essentiality within the E. coli species