24.028b71c9bd · ·
VERSION=24.02 + improved check dependencies using option -d + use the more efficient unimodality (momo) index instead of the bimodality coefficient
23.12ac388dab · ·
VERSION=23.12 + new option -d to check dependencies + modified default Phred score cutoff, i.e. -q 20 + modified default MINCOV and MAXCOV values, i.e. (3,60) instead of (3,61) + modified estimate of the genome length, using NTCARD with k=25 + only 1 thread for step M: slower but reproductible (FLASH output depends on the no. threads) + now requires SAMTOOLS v1.18 + improved assembly polishing step for strategies A, B, P, S and V (option -s) + only undefined (N) position with enough coverage are written into output file .scf.amb.txt
23.078f692176 · ·
VERSION=23.07 + fixed bug with option -w + based on FQCLEANER v23.07 + MINIMAP2 replaced with BWA-MEM2 + less conservative genome size approximation, i.e. gsize=F0-f1-f2 + modified default MINCOV and MAXCOV values, i.e. (3,61) instead of (2,60) + modified k-mer size selection for SPADES + fast assembly polishing step based on SAMTOOLS for strategies A, B, P, S and V (option -s) + new output file .scf.amb.txt