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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 23.12
    f9baab95 · 23.12 ·
     + fixed bug in fqinit() when dealing with Phred lines containing only '?' (e.g. SRR26898806)
  • 23.07
    8085e8ee · 23.07 ·
    fqCleanER v23.07
    + replacing MINION with ALIENDISCOVER (-a AUTO)
    + able to deal with GXARGS on OS X
    + mvf() now considers empty infiles
    + by default, automated estimate for option -l
    + new static options (-q 10 -m 5) for ROCK (instead of -q 0 -m 5)
    + adding read length in the stdout outputs
  • 21.10
    ce412f23 · 21.10 ·
    Release: 21.10
    fqCleanER v21.10
  • 21.06
    e8e62869 · 21.06 ·